It's okay to be not okay


"Aileen was inviting us to their house later" Kiff said while we're walking going to our class, he became close to them since they came back together

"Yeah I also receive a message from her" Fritt said

"Why? Are they celebrating something?" I asked, I left my phone in my room so I don't know

"Yup, it's Mr.Shin birthday" Kiff answered

"Don't tell me you didn't receive a message from her?" Fritt asked

"Well the case is I left my phone, so that's why" I answered

"Are you okay?" then he put his hand on my forehead checking if I'm sick

"I'm fine" and take away his hands

The truth is I didn't really bring my phone with me, because I'm expecting someone but he never calls me or even messages me. Kiff and Fritt knew that I can't leave my room without my phone with me, I always take it with me where ever I go.

"Did Davin do something?" Kiff asked

"No, he didn't" I answered

"Is it about Jaze?" Fritt asked, they're getting paranoid again