Sydney's pov.......

After what happened yesterday in Axel's room, I was completely shaken I have never felt so embarrassed in my life before, it was either Julia's drug was a fake or Axel did not take the coffee I gave him,either way I was too ashamed to tell anyone about it so I stayed in my room all day and whenever anyone came to check on me,I lied by telling them I was having a stomach upset. So far everyone except Axel had come to check on me I did not expect him to do so before so there was really no problem. Later that same day,Alia came to inform me that they were all going out to have some fun and if I was well enough to go with them. As much as I would love to go with them and have a lot of fun,I knew Axel would go with them and I was too ashamed look him in the eyes so I declined. When I heard their cars leave the compound,i decided to head downstairs to have some wine and watch TV so I went to the wine stand in the main room and took a Brady

"Please get me a glass there,I also want a share of that Brady" I heard Axel's voice directly behind me,I dropped the wine i was holding in my hand out of shock and it shattered to pieces on the tiles. Axel snapped his fingers for one of the maid who was holding a broom and a dustpan to come over "come Bella clean this up"

"Sure sir" and she started cleaning up the pieces and the liquid

"" I stammered in fear of what he might do to me

"Its fine,such a shame good Brady had to be wasted".This was the first time we were having a real conversation without him answering me coldly or telling me how much he hated me that must mean he is in a good mood so I had to make good use of this opportunity before it slipped by,I took two glasses and another bottle of Brady "so why didn't you go with the others to have some fun"

"I was busy with some work in the office and I just arrived".I handed over to him his glass of wine and he sipped from it "I heard you were sick"

"Its nothing,just a mild stomach upset"

"Sorry about that"

"Thanks a lot".I really meant it cause this was the first time Axel had shown any trace of sympathy towards me and it was sweet to hear,he nodded and continued sipping from his wine. I couldn't help but wonder if he was still annoyed about what happened yesterday,maybe it would be better if I apologized to him "am sorry about yesterday,I hope you are not annoyed".He dropped his empty glass on the table and licked his lips "I wouldn't lie to you Sydney I was annoyed at first but when i you were only drunk i was no longer annoyed with you and as far as it doesn't repeat itself again then you have no problem with me". It would be best if I didn't tell him that I was not drunk if not it might just ruin everything "okay then that means we are still friends" I stretched forth my palm for a handshake

He stared at it not even making a move to accept it,I was about to drop it unhappily when he accepted the handshake by putting his palm in mine and forcing a smile "yeah we are still friends"

I smiled widely "so what is my friend doing"


"Okay then why don't we watch a movie together"

He closed his eyes as if thinking then opened them "Sure".We sat together on the long arm couch and I took the remote control "so what type of movies do you watch"

"I love horror movies and you"

I smiled "I love horror movies too,what a coincidence".It was no coincidence,i hated horror movies infact they scared the shit out of me but If i wanted to impress Axel i had to like everything he liked and hate everything he hates

He nodded "okay then let's watch some horror movies".Few minutes later I was screaming my guts out "how do you even watch this"

Axel looked confused "I thought you just said you love horror movies"

"I do love horror movies but not this type of horror horror"

"This can't be really classified as a horror movie Sydney,I will rate DOCTOR SLEEP two out of ten amongst horror movies"

"Well I will rate it ten out of ten". He raised his brows "you don't really like horror movies do you"

"Well see....maybe a little"

"Then why did you lie about it"

I sighed "to be sincere,I wanted to impress you"

"Impress me,how do you mean"

"I thought maybe if I liked everything you liked and hated everything you hate then maybe you might like me and even accept me as your mate". His expression suddenly changed into one I knew too well,I was starting to irritate him. It was then I realized that I had messed up everything

"Axel.......I began to say but he just got up and left me all alone.


Axel's pov......

'Am never listening to anything you say or any advise you give me Sabastien'

('what did I do wrong this time Axel')

'you told me to go see how Sydney was doing because she was unwell and try my possible best to be nice to her'

('yes I told you to do that and can't you see how good the chemistry is that you guys have together')

'There is no chemistry between us Sabastien,she clearly mistook my kindness as a liking for her'

('you're sure you didn't like her cause I could even see the way you looked at her')

'The only way I looked at her is the way someone looks at another person when that person is trying to get rid of the latter and she only made it worst when she told me she was only pretending to watch horror movies because she thought I might like her,I mean who does that'

('someone who is genuinely in love with you')

'Oh please don't start with that nonsense Sabastien'

"Are you done bickering with Sabastien" Hunter asked coming to sit beside me(we were in my room)

"Sure,his just been annoying as usual"

"Okay then I wanted to discuss something with you".I gave him my full attention "go on,am all ears"

"Well Alia have been acting kinda strange lately"

Sabastien chuckled ('Alia is strange Hunter, the girl is simply nuts')

'Shut up Sabastien,you really need to stop talking'.

"What do you mean Hunter"

"Nowadays she easily gets tired,she keep asking me if she is getting ugly and she eats like a warthog"

('To cut the long story short and make you supernatural creatures understand,your dear mountain wolf is pregnant')

'You don't just say anything you feel like saying Sabastien, you could get yourself in big trouble and besides what do you know'

('excuse me A.X.E.L,I will have you know that I existed before your forefathers so I should be asking you that question,what do you know')

I ignored him and continued talking to Hunter "have you tried talking to her"

"Yes I have but even my slightest touch irritates her,its like she is in her own world and am not a part of it". I put my hands on his shoulder "am sure there is nothing to be worried about,I'll talk to her". He smiled "thanks a lot brother"

"Sure,anything for you"


Later that day I knocked on Alia's door and she opened it completely surprised to see me "my lord what a pleasant surprise,do you maybe want something"

('you have got to be kidding me')

"I want to discuss something with you"

"Sure come in" I entered the room she shared with Hunter and sat on one of the couch in the room while she sat on her bed "its about Hunter"


"Hunter is worried about you,he said you are behaving strangely and that you have not been yourself lately"

"Am perfectly fine my lord"

"I think you are also fine Alia but Hunter is not convinced so you want to tell me what is really wrong,are you tired of him"

"Of course not,I can never get tired of Hunter"

"Than what is the problem". She sighed "am pregnant"

(' i don't normally enjoy saying this but I have to say it anyway...I told you so....')

I smiled happily "well that is great news isn't it". She didn't smile or look joyous "yes my lord"

"How come you don't look happy about it and does Hunter know about it"

She shook her head "I haven't told him yet my lord"

"Why not"

"You know why my lord". I did know why,but I didn't think it was the same case now "I think you should tell him Alia,you guys could sit and discuss about it"

"I will my lord but as of now am not ready but I do have one request to ask of you my lord,can you please not tell him about it"

"I don't know, I really don't like lying to him Alia"

"Neither do I but I promise to tell him when the right time comes,please my lord the others agreed to it"

I raised my brows "others? who else knows about it"

"Only the ladies including Sydney" she held my hands "promise me that you won't tell Hunter about it"

I sighed "I promise but you have to tell him as soon as possible"

"I will my lord,I promise"

"Okay then I have to get going now"and I left. I can't believe I will have to look Hunter in the eyes and lie to him.