Sydney's pov.......

I walked into the room of memories. Ever since Mark died, I had made it my utmost priority to always come have a chitchat with his picture and also to drop a rose for him every morning.

"Am so sorry Mark, you are not here with the others all because of me" I said sorrowfully as I dropped the rose on the stand of his picture.

"What are you apologizing for and what did you do" I heard someone say and I leaped but the sighed when I saw it was only Cary and he was grinning at me "people only get so scared when they have done something bad, so what did you do princess".

"I don't know what you are talking about". I always felt so uncomfortable around this Cary maybe it was because I had the fear that he knows what I did to Mark so I needed to get the hell out of here. Luckily for me, he got distracted when he saw his picture on the memorial wall "I thought someone was gonna remove this picture after I came but no..... they all still wish me dead". He went to remove the picture and I saw that as an opportunity to run away.

"and where exactly do you think you are running to princess" he suddenly asked, he was still facing my back staring at Silvar's picture so how did he see me turn to leave, this guy was really scaring the wit out of me.

"No...Nowhere" I stammered.

"Come over here, come stand beside me" he waved over to me and I went to stand beside him

"Silvar was not always a saint you know" I did not know what to say to that so I kept quiet and he continued "she was always short tempered and acted without thinking, she also despised vampires and that is what led her to her early death".

I looked at him "are you saying you know why and how Silvar died". He grinned and I took that as a yes, he faced me studying me carefully "don't you". I shook my head "No,my dad didn't give me the full details,he only told me he killed her in order to save my life"

He smiled "Hmm... Typical dad"

I moved closer to him "so.....why don't you tell me all about it". He shifted away from me and pointed his fingers at me in a disapproving manner "No way darling,if your dad didn't want you to know about it then who am I to do otherwise"

"Okay then,does Axel and the others know about it". I was asking because if they knew then I had so many options to get the truth but he shook his head "No,am the only one that know about it". I raised my brows "and you didn't tell the others"

"Sometimes Sydney something's are just better kept in the secret". He moved so he stood directly in front of Mark's picture "Now as I was saying.......Mark was completely different from Silvar,he was simply a saint and who ever killed him deserves to die or don't you think so Sydney" he asked looking at me again. I felt a lump in my throat "ye..yeah". He smiled then moved over to next section,he took interest in a decorated vase as he took it in his hands and started observing it "you know Sydney, you should tell them".

"Tell them what? I don't understand". He dropped the vase on the stand then turned to face me and he clicked his tongue "Ohh my poor Sydney,they can't see it but I can,I know you know exactly how Mark was killed and maybe you even had a part to play in it,I don't really know"

I took a step back my heart beating fast and i shook my head "I really don't know what you are talking about"

"There's no need to pretend dear, just tell everyone the truth".

I frowned "you were the one that told me that something's are better kept in the secret".

"Yes I said that but not when those secrets can end up destroying the lives of the people you care about"

"You won't understand anything Cary". He walked up to me and he got so close I could practically feel his steady breath on me then he cupped up my chin and stared directly into my eyes "you're right,maybe I don't understand but one thing I do understand is that it is better to let them know all about now than when it will be too late" and he left.

Cary was right, maybe it was best if I told everyone about what really happened but first I needed to confind in someone,someone who I could trust,someone who would understand me and not blame me. I decided to take a stroll in the garden when I sighted Selena tending to the flowers, yes!she was the best person to discuss this issue with,she was the moon goddess after all I was sure she was going to understand so I went over to her "how come you are the only one tending to the flowers". She smiled at me "Actually I am not alone Hunter went to get something,come sit with me" and we sat down "so you've got something you want to tell me" she asked dropping the water can on the ground

"Well my Queen I have something important to discuss with you that is if you have the time to listen to me"

"Call me Selena and yes I have all the time in the world". So I told her everything and when I was done I expected her to zap me or maybe scream at me but she stared at me blankly "I know"

"You should be scolding.........wait what did you just say"

"I said I already know about you accidentally killing Mark"

"But How...... When"

"Am the moon goddess dear" she said as if that explained everything

"But if you knew then why didn't you tell the others"

"Because it's not my secret to tell and besides am not the only one that knows about it,Cary knows too". I shook my head "he doesn't know exactly what happened,all he knows is that am hiding something"

She put her hands on my shoulder "believe me Sydney he knows it all but don't worry he won't tell anyone"

"Not even Jude his best friend?"

"Not even Jude his best friend,like I said before it's not our secret to tell but yours Sydney"

I grumbled and used my hands to cover my face "I can already see the outcome of telling them,Axel would be furious and hate me the more,Sia blinded by her loss will believe I really killed Mark,am not certain on how Jude and Sue will react but the only people I think would have a little faith in me are Hunter,Alia and Julia"

"So what do you wanna do,keep it from them"

"I don't know my Que.....I mean Selena,maybe I should just wait for a while, when the tension clears from the air then I can boldly tell them everything"

"And what of if they find out from another source Sydney then what will you do,by then everyone including the people who you claim will trust you now will believe that you really killed Mark and that is why you hide it from them for a very long time"

"Then what do you want me to do"

"I can't tell you want to do Sydney instead I can only advise you on what you can do and that is to tell them now so that the guilt you are feeling now will disappear and before it becomes too late".