Sydney's pov...........

I sighed as I walked into Axel's mansion and I sighted him,he was sitted majestically on an arm chair discussing with Hunter,Cary and Jude. His eyes met mine and he paused,he cocked his head and stared at Selena.

"I knew it,I knew you would disobey my orders....I was waiting patiently for the day you would and you finally did".

Everyone in the room turned to face us and Cary smiled widely when he sighted Kiera.

"Sydney" Sia gasped.

"Kai" Sue gasped and Kai groaned "This is exactly what I was trying to avoid".

"Don't pretend like you didn't know this was gonna happen brother" Kiera teased.

Sydney bowed to Axel "Am so sorry Axel".

Axel stood up and the others did the same,I could see it in his expression,I could feel it in his aura that he had really changed.

"Apologizing won't change a thing Selena,I warned you....I told you but you went ahead and did it again,you know how much I hate it when people disobey my orders....and where is Julia and Alia,I know that also went with you".

Selena broke down in tears and she slumped to the floor, myself,Sia,Sue and Kiera rushed to meet her.

"What's wrong Selena" Hunter asked worried.

"Am sorry Hunter....I didn't.... I didn't know".

Axel walked up to her and for a minute I thought he was gonna help her up but then he opened her palm and took the paper out. He walked up to where Hunter stood and they both read the content in it.

Hunter eyes widened " Kidnapped?".

"We just wanted to attend Sydney's wedding" Selena explained.

"Who brought up the idea to sneak out and attend the wedding" Axel asked so calmly, I couldn't help but be scared.

"I did".

"Every act of disobedience come with consequences Selena"

"Am sorry Axel"

"You did what you thought was right and you ended up putting the lives of my sister and Hunter's mate in danger".

"You shouldn't have gone,you should have just stayed at home" Hunter mumbled.

"I know that am so sorry Hunter"

Hunter sighed "We will discuss that later,but first let's figure out how to save Julia and Alia".

"I can't help but wonder how you and the Alpha can stay cool knowing that the people who matter to you are in danger,if I were in your shoes,I will probably been on a rampage by now". Kiera stated.

Hunter smiled "And what will going on a rampage do.....bring them back, No it wouldn't... So it's better to keep calm and think of how to save them".

Jude shook his head "But how are we gonna find them when we don't even know they are been kept hostage".

Kai put his hands on his chin "I think I can figure out where they are" then he faced Cary "I'll need your help Nightcrawler".

Cary smiled widely " Really.....".

Kai glared at him "Because I asked for your help doesn't mean I've accepted you".

"I know that".

" come with me" and they left together.

Axel sat down and stared at me, I Could see it in his eyes that he blamed me for everything and it was really my fault.

"My Queen please stand up" I said trying to make Queen Selena stand up but she refused.

Just then,Kai and Cary came back in,Cary stretched forth his hands and a portal appeared "This portal will lead us to where Alia and Julia are been kept hostage".

"Then what are we waiting for" Axel prompted.

We all went through the portal only to appear in front of an uncompleted building. Kai squatted and touched the bare floor and a barrier suddenly surrounded the house with us in it. "This will prevent everything or everyone from coming in or going out" He explained "Cary.........

Cary nodded "Sure" and he suddenly turned invisible.

"So how are we all going in" Sia requested.

"News flash Nymph,Cary is the only one going in"

"And why is that" Hunter requested.

"Because Cary is the only person who can get in and out without been noticed".

Kai stretched forth his hands and something like a mirror appeared,we could see Cary entering the house,he was visible.

"He is only visible to us, we can hear anything said in the house but they can't hear us" Kai explained.

Cary opened a door and there hanged Alia and Julia,their bodies all battered and bruised.

"Alia" Hunter whimpered.

Alia looked up to see the opened door "Who is there".

It seemed like Cary locked away his invisibility spell because Alia immediately gasped "Cary".

Cary groaned in fury "Who did this to you....I swear am gonna make him pay".

"We can do that later Cary but first we have to get out of here...please help Julia,she has been unconscious".

Cary snapped his fingers and the chains fell off but he was able to catch Julia in his hands right before she fell to the floor.

They left the room and started heading to the door but the problem was that Alia was leaping and wincing badly,Cary noticed this and his eyes lit up in concern "Are you sure you are fine Alia you know I can help you...

"Am totally fine Cary only have two hands you know and besides,Julia need help more than I do,a capable of taking care of myself".

"And where exactly do you think you are taking my prisoners to" A masculine voice suddenly asked and a masked man came out of the shadows.

"That voice" Hunter mumbled but then,he suddenly gasped and his eyes widened "They need to get out of there".

"They can't hear you brother" Jude stated.

Hunter faced Kai "Tell them not to engage Kai".

Kai nodded and closed his eyes "Get out of there Cary,do not engage in a fight".

Cary smirked "It's a little too late to do that friend". He handed a still unconscious Julia to Alia "Get out of here,I'll try and hold him back".

Alia nodded and started going.

Cary lunged at the masked man but just then,he froze in his steps.

The masked man smirked "I did not come here for you Nightcrawler so don't waste my time" Suddenly,something invisible flinged Cary so hard that he landed on an iron wall and fell to the floor whimpering in pain.

"Cary" Kiera groaned.

Hunter bent to his knees and touched the ground suddenly Alia and Julia disappeared from where they were to where we stood, Alia handed an unconscious Julia over to Axel and fell in an embrace with Hunter.

She untangled herself a from Axel and wiped her tears from her eyes "I have to go back".

I widened my eyes "What! Why".

"I can't leave Cary there,I have to help him".


She exchanged some kind of eyes discussion with Hunter,Hunter closed his eyes and when he opened it,he nodded "Okay".

She went back into the house and ran to where Cary layed. she put her hands on the floor and Cary disappeared only to appear where we where. But as she turned to go,the masked suddenly appeared in front of her and held her by the neck "Ah...just who I was searching for"

"Alia" Hunter screamed,he ran to meet her but was suddenly pushed back by an invisible force. He stared at Kai with an annoyed impression "What's happening?".

Kai shook his head "I don't, I don't know".

Hunter ran towards the door but was pushed back again " Let her go,am the one you want not her" he screamed at the mask man.

"He can't hear you Hunter" Jude stated but just then,the man grinned and then I thought 'maybe he could hear us'.

He let go of Alia and she suddenly fell lifeless to the ground.

Queen Selena gasped "He killed her".

Hunter took a step backward and shook his head "No he didn't kill her,he took away her essence".

ESSENCE? just what was he talking about. Ali's suddenly stood up but serving about her had changed,her eyes were void.

The mask man chuckled loudly "That's good princess,now get them" Alia suddenly shifted into her full wolf self and growled at us.

"This is bad" Cary mumbled,he stretched forth his hands and another portal appeared "Let's get out of here".

Queen Selena shook her head "But we can't leave Alia behind".

"Am aware of that my Queen and trust me when I say I don't wanna also leave her behind but we have no choice".

Everyone turned to face Hunter,it was his choice after all and then,Hunter did the most shocking thing,he went right through the portal without saying anything.

Kai nodded "Well.......that's our go sign".

Queen Selena went next and then Sue and Sia,Kiera and Jude.

"Maybe I should stay and help you guys".

Cary smiled at me "There's no need princess,we've got it all covered".


"Just get in" Axel growled and I went through the portal only to land in the main room but from there,I could still see what was happening outside.

Kai nodded at Axel "Go Alpha, your best friend need you"

Axel hummed "Okay" and be went through the portal to come meet us,laying a still unconscious Julia on a couch.

Kai faced Cary "You're next".

"I can't leave you here, No"

Kai shook his head "You're hurt dummy and I'll be right behind you".

Cary nodded not convinced but he still went through the portal.

Kai stood up "Well...guess am the last".

But just as he was about to go through the portal,the barrier shattered loudly,flinging Cary to land on a wall and the portal closed leaving Kai outside.

Cary groaned "Shit! Why does it always have to be me".

Kiera collapsed "Kai....K...a....I..." And then,she started weeping.

I attempted to go console her but Cary beat me to it and held her in his hands. Sue was also weeping on Sia's body, Axel was sitting beside Hunter who looked numb and Jude and Queen Selena were beside Julia trying to wake her up,Jude holding her hands.

I couldn't cry,the tears bluntly refused to come out. It was just too hard to believe that I had lost my cousin,Kai was gone, No he couldn't be, he was too strong for that.

Just then,there was a knock on the door and I went to open it because no one was in the right state of mind to do that. I open the door only to see Kai standing there.

"K....Ka....Kai...." And everyone turned back.

He waved his hands and entered the house "Hey guys,miss me!...well news flash: the mountain wolf is tearing the whole town apart" and he collapsed.

Everyone rushed to meet him and Cary layed him down on another couch. Hunter got up from his couch "I have to go save Alia".

Axel shook his head "You're not going alone brother".