Cary's pov..........

Ever since the argument between Kiera and myself, things have turned sour. She no longer spoke with me about anything and last night, she locked me outside our room asking me never to show my face to her again. She doesn't even want us to sleep in the same room anymore and to make matters worse, Ivy also wasn't speaking to me was like the both of them despised me and I don't know what I did wrong...when did my life turn out this way.

"Cary can you come over here for a sec?" Axel called out to me from downstairs. They were all sitted there chilling....Axel, Jude, Kai, and Rex, they all stared at me as I walked over to meet them. I sat down on one of the couches next to Axel "What's with all the piercing gazes, is there something on my face?".

Jude still staring at me grinned "We are kinda surprised that's all, this is the first time you are coming in without a grand entrance, you always come in with an entrance".