Julia's Pov...............

"Are you going to eat now?" Jude asked putting a tray of food on the table in front of me.


For some reason I was feeling better like really..... really...better which was a good thing.

I grinned at Jude "Come here for a second will you".

He walked up to me.


He raised his brow "Why do I feel like you are up to something".

"You'll never know until you try".

He moved closer to me and I grabbed him by the collar, kissing him deeply before I sighed satisfied "Gosh I needed that".

He smiled "I see you are feeling much better" and he licked his lips in that very sexy way that always made me horny.

I spurred "Keep doing that and we will be in bed all day".

He smirked "Am not complaining".

I frowned "I am, if we stay In bed then am going to miss the burial procession" I felt a lump in my throat and the realization hit me, my mother was really gone, gone forever.

Jude's smile dropped as he sat beside me "You okay?".