Aimee's pov...........

After the conversation I had with Dale, I found it impossible to enjoy the party and so I left for home and when I got home, I jumped on my bed, cryed my eyeballs out and then slept. I woke up the next morning feeling sore and very very exhausted. I walked downstairs hoping to get a cup of coffee but then bumped into Silvar and Sue.

"Hey Aimee, how was your date yesterday?". Silvar asked.

I poured myself a cup of coffee before going to sit on one of the sofas "I don't want to talk about it".

Sue jumped to sit beside and started what she knows how to do best, tease me "Ohh come on, don't be selfish...you have to share the details with you, we know something definitely happened between you and Dale".

"I said I don't want to talk about it Sue" I insisted harsely, already feeling the tears at the brink of my eyes.

"Sue I think that's enough" Silvar Scolded and she sat at my other side "What's wrong Aimee?".