Selena's pov..................

Everything was so confusing, Silvar been alive and nobody giving me an answer on Sydney's whereabout, it was really frustrating. I followed Silvar weakly as she led me into hers' and Axel's room. Why was she taking me in here, was she sharing rooms with Axel? Was Sydney okay with this? Where was Sydney anyways? Why wasn't she here? And why was her picture not anywhere in the room? What was going on here, I had so many questions but no one to give me answers to them.

"It's been a while since we came together like this to discuss now hasn't it Selena?".

"Huh...Yeah, Yeah it has".

"Why don't you sit down, it's not like this is your first time coming in here".

I sat down still feeling uncomfortable, so many questions running through my mind and threatening to make me run mad if I didn't say something soon "Em....Silvar?".

She brought out two glasses from the cupboard and a bottle of wine "Yes?".