Ivy's pov.............................

No one loves Ivy, everybody has forgotten and abandoned ivy ever since Aunty Selena came back. Ivy likes Aunt Selena but she's taking Ivy's spotlight, Ivy's mom and dad use to fight for her before but now they don't anymore, are they tired of Ivy, do they want ivy to go away. Ivy misses her mum and dad, she doesn't want to go and leave them but she doesn't want to go back to them until they've made up, Ivy is confused.

"Ivy come over here for a second" Ivy's Aunty Selena called to Ivy and she ran to meet her. Ivy sat beside her and Aunt Selena gave Ivy CHOCOLATE, Ivy's favorite.

"Thank you Aunt Selena, you made Ivy so happy" Ivy was happy okay, chocolate took all her sadness away.

Aunt Selena pressed her head to Ivy's "Aren't you the cutest".

Ivy nodded "I am, Batman, Mum, Dad, everyone tells Ivy that she's the cutest".

"Batman who is Batman?".

"Ivy's Uncle Axel is Ivy's batman, Ivy's one and only Batman".