Dale's pov..................

Aimee hasn't spoken to me since the prom night, was she still annoyed with me? but shouldn't I be the one annoyed at this moment, I was the one hurting.....so this was how it felt when you loved someone and the person didn't love you in return.

"Dale?" Cary called out to me from downstairs.


"Come join us".

I shook my head "Not right now, I've.............

He frowned "You are always looking for an excuse not to hang out with us Nowadays Dale".

Jude nodded "Yeah, come hang with us, we've missed you" How could he say that with a straight face.

Uncle Axel stared at me "Dale".

I sighed "Fine" then I sat beside him.

Cary cocked his head "You wanna talk about it?".

"Talk about what?".

"What's been bothering you" Jude answered.