Kai's pov.................

After what went down in the dinning room, I was sure something was wrong with Sue, was she annoyed with me over something I did, but she should have been annoyed a long time ago then why now, why was it after I had marked her. So many questions were going on in my head and I desperately needed answers to all of them.

"Kai, can I speak with you" Sia asked coming to sit beside me, Rex with her.

I rolled my eyes "Like I have a choice".

She smiled "Come on Kai, you don't have to act so cold all the time, we are park mates afterall".

"Wow, boy am I really lucky".

She grinned "I am going to take that as a compliment".

"So what do you want with me?".

Her expression suddenly turned serious "It's about Sue" I knew it, I knew that could be the only reason why she would approach me. Did Sue tell her something about me, it would be good since I really wanted to know what she was so annoyed about.

"Okay, am listening".