Disclaimer / Author's Note

A) This story is mainly in the 1st Person POV of my main character Aarav. That being said, I will sometimes switch to a 3rd Person or even 1st person POV for some other characters, as and when the story requires it.

B) For non-English words or words that are unfamiliar/mean differently in the story, I will place the meanings in the comments since I can't do the glossary section right, for some reason.

That being said, if I miss out on some or you want to know the meaning of something, place a paragraph comment and I'll try to give a reply for that.

C) I'll be real and honest, there is no fixed update schedule. While the later chapters are paid, this is still something of a hobby for me. I am extremely invested in the story and want to write it but circumstances can prevent that so get into this at your own risk.

D) Also, I'm currently doing a rewrite of the story. I've rewritten the entire vol 1, after that you could still read since the fundamentals and structure of the story will remain some but I am gonna change a few characters and the locations and dialogues so, yeah, yeh have been warned.

E) For now that's it. Hope you like my story. I know I shouldn't be asking for it but if you do like it, giving it a vote or review would help me a lot. Thanks for reading this and enjoy!