1.23 — Couple Of Criminals

“No,” I whispered sharply, hoping no one heard me talking to a lawbreaker…not that anyone was around. I mean, I thought there was someone else inside the half-constructed building but that was probably my fear acting up. “Hell no! I am not committing a crime here and I’m not letting you commit one too!”

She raised a brow in doubt.

“Okay fine, you do whatever you want, I am going to go,” I said but made no move. It was an empty bluff. I knew there was no escaping this scenario. There’s no way she’ll let me leave and there’s no way I’ll be able to fight her off. Even without magic. And she knew that too.

But I’ll let hell freeze over and shit grow on trees every day before I commit a crime.

“Fine, I’ll do it,” the witch rolled her eyes and turned back towards the locked gate before muttering a soft but audible “chicken” to me.

“I heard that.”

“You were meant to, human,” was all she said before grabbing the lock on the gate.

I’ve never felt so insulted being referred to as human.

I thought she’d crush the small circular but thick piece of metal in her tiny palms, showcase a bit of her inhuman strength in front of me and further instil that fear in me. Or maybe even just jerk it hard enough that it would rip itself off from the gate, afraid to go through more pain.

Instead, she put her perfectly manicured finger in front of it and whispered, “Spell number something-something-of-something.” Well, not in those exact words but I couldn’t really hear it too well.

Even the spell part I guessed because either she said spell number or bell pepper. And considering who she was and what was happening, spell number seemed like the right option.

A red light shot forth from her index finger that was pointed at the lock and like some laser bullet from some sci-fi movie, the light burned everything in its path before hitting the ground where it made a decent enough dent and scorch mark on it too.

Guess it is official now. We are breaking and entering.

Obviously, I got scared. Why? Because we were committing a crime!

I think. I don’t know. Not sure if that’s a crime or not considering the place is abandoned.

What? Just because my Uncle is a cop, I’m supposed to know the law? You don’t expect a doctor’s son to be able to perform surgery, do you? I really hope you don’t.

Look, I like to be on the safer side of things.

It’s called being cautious.

And while the cool kids might think that it’s lame, it’s actually called being smart.

…Although, full disclosure, I don’t really know what cool kids think. My information on them is purely based on sitcoms which do tend to be a stereotypical and bad form of representation but it’s all I got.

“Well,” she said with a smile on her face, “get in.”


“…because that’s what we came here for, didn’t we?” She asked like I was asking some stupid question for which I already knew the answer for.

“Is it?! How the fudge would I know that?! You never said anything to me!”

“…well, that’s your fault for not asking,” she shrugged and rolled her eyes, “This is what we came here to do. There. Now you know.”

Maybe I should just look at the bright side, you know?

Take this opportunity to just bury her here while no one else was around. Make the best out of this stupid trip.

No eyewitnesses too! How many times in your life do you get a chance like this?

Then again, she was already dead. Who knows if those tactics would even work on her? Not to mention she was stronger too but mostly the already dead thing.

With a loud squeaky voice, she opened the gate and entered the site. The motion made the half-melted lock fall off with a loud enough clank.

And nervously, I headed inside with her.

Compared to me, the witch was walking with confidence and calm radiating off of her. Almost like she was a natural at breaking laws.

And I do not doubt that for even a second.

You just know she’s been through some dark shit.

Born lawbreaker, committer of crimes and beating up of monsters in the guise of little kids.

“So, now that you have dragged me here, what dost thou intend-eth to do with me, madam?” I said, looking around for a nice place to rest my ass on. My feet were killing me.

“That was bad. Do not ever speak in that way again. It wasn’t even correct. And, take whatever offence you want to, you are so not my type.”

“I-I-I wasn’t hitting on you. I was just—just tell me why we’re here and get it over with, please.”

“Gladly,” She said, blowing out a dusted piece of cement block that still remained as dusty and dirty as it was before the blow but apparently the gesture was simply symbolic since she instantly sat down on it without a care.

While my feet hurt, after seeing the location, I decided I could bear the pain. No problem.

“We are Grimmers,” She pointed to herself, “and you” she continued, her tone now serious, “are in danger.”

Okay. You know what, I think I’ll just sit down. Yeah.