I did have trouble getting here. I was left wheezing like a guy who had just escaped chokehold—not in a good way too, not that it’s ever a good way for me—by the time I reached their front door.
And the cause of that was the girl laid down on the couch eating a lollipop now in a casual top and jean shorts with a smirk on her face.
“Yeah, sure, no trouble,” I lied. I did want to make a good impression so that the leader—was the name Ashraf?—would agree to train me and not take me back with them to their Grimmer town in heaven.
Was it heaven though? Reizumi simply said that it was called inbetween so...maybe it was more of a place between heaven and hell?
“Ah good, good,” Ashraf said, still smiling, and pointed at a plastic chair positioned near a moldy wall in front of the couch, “please, sit.”
I was glad to find out the chair didn’t break down under my weight. Surprised, even.