Climbing Up The Mountain

Jivganj was a fairly remote sort of town. It wasn't in the middle of nowhere but it also wasn't exactly near a big city that it'd bask in its light of cultural diversity and urban facilities.

It was an average sized town surrounded by trees and lakes and even a mountain that was the hotspot for trekking in the town. It wasn't particularly a high mountain but for fitness freaks it was as good as any spot for climbing and sweating and making themselves more miserable for the whole day.

Me, not being the aforementioned fitness freak, have stayed away from that particular mountain as much as possible. I've only been twice on that mountain and neither of those times were by my choice.

Once was during our school trip. My school was a small local one that did not have a budget big enough to take its students to an amusement park. So, instead, they decided to let the children taste a little bit of hell while they were still young.

Impressionable minds and such.