1.7 — The End...?

Vines of yellowish-white light sprouted from the ground and wrapped themselves around the giant body of Quadro, stopping its large jaws from taking its bite just inches away from my face.

One would think that the smell emanating from the hell mouth would be awful, like death and rotten flesh—I mean, that’s what I imagined it as, not sure about you—but it did not smell bad. Infact, it smelled like nothing. As if beyond the huge set of sharp teeth, there was just…nothing.

A giant blade of ice sliced off the tentacle holding me, causing the monster to writhe in pain, as I fell on my ass on the soft ground. Good thing there weren’t any sharp rocks around.

A figure landed beside me and I managed to recognise it.

“The short dude…”

“Yes, it is me—wait, is that the only thing you remember about me?!” he shouted.


“Choose your answer carefully…” he said, a piece of dagger-shaped ice forming around his hand out of thin air.

I'm a simple guy. I see strange sharp objects pointed towards me, I make sure I keep my mouth shut. Plus, since I really couldn’t remember anything about him and I liked myself to be without any stab wounds, keeping quiet seemed the wisest choice.

“You’re alive…” I said. Better to ignore that topic altogether. Plus, never in my life have I ever been so grateful to see some stranger still being alive.

“Well, of course. Although technically the answer is yes and no—”

Shit, what did I do?

Without thinking I pushed the short guy aside and let Quadro hit me as soon as it escaped its constraints.

And when that giant red fist hit me, I instantly regretted every choice I made that led me to this exact situation.

It hurt.

A lot.

It definitely felt like something inside me had cracked into about a million pieces. Or more.

Why in the god's stupid name did I do that? How could I do something so moronic?

What happened to the selfish and self-preserving nature inside me?

Not minutes ago I was contemplating whether or not to ditch the kid and make sure I’m safe.

And yet, this happened.

Me on the ground, feeling colder and colder by each passing second.

I felt something wet, warm and sticky under me and I knew it wasn’t my piss. That ship had sailed away from the dry port way back in the park.

Why was it hurting this much?

Am I crying?

Am I screaming in pain?

Is that a bone sticking out of my arm?

What is happening?

I saw a blurred Ritu running towards me, crying. Not for her, this time. For me. Or, atleast that’s what I like to think. That she was crying for me. That someone was crying for me.

Ah~ was this death? Was this how dying feels like? I always hoped my end would be peaceful and yet, this happened. I wonder if this is how Ritu felt in her final moments.

I just hope the pain comes to an end…one way or another.