‘Subject # 12 – Shaun East – Possible multi-personality > likely – possible bipolar > likely – possible Hypersexual Disorder> very likely – possible borderline personality disorder > likely.’
‘Why are you reading that! Give me that!’
I got startled when I got shouted at by the always soft Rose. She was like a different person when she got angry.
‘I am really sorry Rose. I did not mean to. I only saw the first page, nothing else. Here you go!’, I apologetically said while handing her the notebook.
‘I am sorry for my sudden outburst as well. You are my patient and you should not see what I wrote in here. Please go back to your room and rest. I just suddenly remembered that I left the notebook so it’s my fault. I apologize.’, she replied softly.
‘Hi, Big Sister Ellen. This guy is very interesting. You are right, we really are so much alike. Even the two of us were helped by you. Do you really have a thing for outstanding people like us who are underprivileged?’