It really is him

‘Dummy! Come back! I can help you.’ – Rose 4444

Rose waited for a reply but nothing came.

After my absence, she felt uneasy. Most of her time in the city was always spent at work and with me but that suddenly changed.

The next week . . .

Ring! Ring! Ring!

‘Dr. Rose Mitzva speaking.’

‘Hi! This is Blaire of Vans Publishing. We were not able to reach Mr. East for a week now. We called you today because he put your name and contact information for emergency purposes.’

‘I see. How would I be of service?’

‘We would like to inform him that the book tour for his best-selling novel will commence next week. We understand that he is busy but not returning our calls and texts will affect our plans and possibly his book’s fanbase.’

‘I will try to let him know Blaire. He is currently on a writer’s retreat; he might be on to a new book or a sequel of some sort.’

‘Wow! Are you telling the truth? Did Mr. East explicitly say that he plans to make a sequel of Sex is You?’