Masquerade of Madness: Creating Madness Part two

"Today, a group of Casalyians who were afraid of Creed's leaving, attacked us in our domain. After that, an individual from the council by the name of Sizzler Sutra showed up on the central walkway to the portals. Then the council had the audacity to send Monett after me, who gave me a warning. Finally, at the portals, they had a grand knight, that unconscious log over there . . . " Vincent pointed to Vaan on the ground beside the portals, " . . . and the monster, a Spirit of Aura, to lie in wait for Creed here. This goes beyond persecution, into the elimination of someone."

"That is enough, Vincent Angelus." The voice sounded old and wise. "We, the council, deny these claims. Without proof, you have no strength. We will let you go today, but false claims are better left punished."

Spike immediately lost interest in bothering Jade and began to focus on the voice that seemed to come out of nowhere. Where is this voice's body? And how dare he say there is no proof. She and Vaan are the proof. She would not have been here if it were not for the council.

Jade remained infatuated with the butterfly, so she was of no use to her. Spike knew she had to do this alone. She floated up to the stage, stood right beside Vincent and spoke up, "I am the proof!"

"Silence!" The old voice was angry. "Orders are never to be repeated."

The crowd gasped. Orders, what was going on? Did they think that the Casalyians were a stupid race? A woman in a green hat who was holding a baby yelled out, "Do you think we are dumb? We know when something is not right!"

"Silence!" the old voice again roared.

Siphon, the outspoken council leader at Creed's request hearing, had mingled with the crowd and was surprised to hear of the outcome of all their plotting.

He decided that it was time for damage control. Siphon vanished from the group and immediately appeared on the higher ground with Vincent. "Yes, we did those things."

The crowd gasped in horror, but quieted down right away. It was a sin not to listen to a council member, and clearly, Siphon had more to say.

"We did them with you in mind," Siphon went on.

Vincent hung back smirking, knowing this was playing right into his hand.

Composed, Siphon continued his confession. He could see the council would have a lot of trouble if this did not work. "I only wanted what was best for my race."

The crowd began to realize the council had a lot of power – power that they did not need. Some began to wonder why they even had a council. King Fredal was a kind and equal king, unlike this council.

Creed wanted to laugh, but he kept it under control. This was not a very good situation to do so. He then turned his attention to his brother, hoping for some sign.

Vincent smirked, knowing he did a good job creating doubts and questions. And now that Siphon had admitted it, the consequences could be endless.

Siphon soon realized the situation was not going to get better.

Suddenly, smoke filled the higher ground, and another council member joined them. He was old. His beard reached to his midsection. His arms were long and skinny, covered in boils. A young, lanky Casalyian in his late twenties pushed the old man's wheelchair.

The old Casalyian stroked his beard, then spoke, "Well, we may have failed in eliminating him, but that does not mean we will not try again. He is not one of us; he is one of them." This voice was the old, angry voice from before.

The crowd began to show their outrage, and the ones that brought their children decided to leave, knowing that things were about to get ugly.

One Casalyian began to chant, "No more council! No more council!" Then most of the crowd started chanting, except for those select few who agreed with the council and were now quiet.

The old one raised both of his crippled hands for quiet, but that only made the crowd get louder with their rage. The old one began to get impatient. Never in all his years had he been met with such disrespect.

Vincent put his hand on the man's shoulder. The old man turned his head to acknowledge him. Looking to Creed, Vincent only said two words, "Let's go!"

Creed understood and turned toward the dense crowd, but no one wanted to move.

Vincent graciously stepped away from the higher ground and grabbed his sword. The crowd began to make a pathway for him.

A few moments later, the Casalyian Authority Force marched in by order of King Fredal. Unknown to everyone, their king was among them. Happening upon the scene during his routine walk, he hid himself to watch as the events unfolded. He witnessed some of the travesties that the council and other Casalyians had put his Captain of the Knights through.