Scarlett is missing?

Omer's pov :

How did I let this happen again? How did I became this careless again? If something happened to my Rose I'm not going to forgive myself ever. There are photographs of Scarlett taken here without her knowledge and I know that the stalker is following Scarlett here and keeping an eye to strike again. I should have hired someone here for my rose's safety but i didn't thought that the stalker will be here.

I stuffed the photographs in my coat's pocket and left Scarlett's room. Iam going to search for her and bring her back safely. If I want to go to hell to bring Scarlett back, so be it, I don't care. I climbed down the stairs and was ready to dash to the door but stopped by Scarlett's mom.

" umm are you going somewhere?" I bought you some lemonade and sandwiches ".

"Thank you Mrs. Williams but I'm in a bit of a hurry".

"Call me Shannon and is everything okay? Is Scarlett going to be okay?".