I couldn't stop thinking about her. Damnit I've never felt this way before. Somehow she just seemed familiar. Like I somehow knew her before today or something. Maybe I was just going crazy. I never did have all of my screws tight in the first place.
"Hey you alright man?" Hawk was standing next to the entrance to the training ground already wearing his mission suit. Each student was given a mission suit as soon as they arrived that was tailored for their mutations. Hawk and I had suits that transformed with us as we changed shape so that we never went naked. With normal clothes we would just shrink out of them but with these we were always covered.
"It's nothing, Hawk. Just got confronted by Dwight was all. Made me pretty angry to say the least. Plus I ran into this new girl on campus. A Nine-Tail." Hawks face of surprise didn't stop me for a second as I reached the special lockers that kept our mission suits in the ready room.
The locker opened on smooth hinges to reveal the black, latex similar fabric of the mission suit that was designed to be form fitting. I had been through so much already in this one suit and I haven't even graduated yet. Graduation seemed like almost an eternity away at this point. 'Well, no use dwelling on it.'
I pulled the suit out of the locker and shed my own clothing, deciding to just morph it all into a paper clip that I could keep in the locker rather than wasting time getting fully undressed. I stretched and pulled at the fabric that stuck to my skin until finally I had one leg in the suit.
"You know I can help right?" Hawk said from the doorway, still leaning against it nonchalantly.
"No I'm alright. You go ahead and start stretching." Hawk rolled his eyes at me before leaving the room so that he could begin his stretches.
That left me all alone with the suit and my thoughts. I took a deep breath before I shoved the other leg down into the cramped pant leg that clung to my skin. Eventually I worked it up to where I had both legs in and I only needed the arms into the upper portion.
"Well look who it is. Ain't it big old Wolf! We heard about your fight!" Atomic Legs and Ice Maiden has just walked in and we're already bringing out the drama from this morning. What did I say, fights had a sort of reverence here. In a school full of mutants, human on mutant fights were hilarious while mutant on mutant fights were dead ass serious. It was a testament of strength. A way to show who was the better of the two.
"Yeah, some normie tried to pick a fight with me over shoes. I decided to break his nose for wasting my time." Soft chuckles came from all three of us as I finished stuffing the rest of my body into the cramped suit.
"Now if you ladies excuse me I have somewhere I need to be." I gave them a soft smile as I walked through the door to the training grounds were Hawk was stretching. Apparently he had just finished too, about to come in to check on me.
"Well there you are. You ready for training?" Hawk said with enthusiasm.
"I'm always ready man. A chance to relieve stress the good ole fashioned way!" My cocky nature was always showing during training. Our team was one of the bests in the entire school yet we were still sophomores. If we kept going at it like we did then we would graduate early and be one of the best teams ever.
I pushed the rest of those thoughts to the side though. It was time for us to focus on training. Around us, the walls and ceiling rippled as their black, smooth surface changed through multiple colors before settling on a scene outside of a hotel.
You see, the Training Grounds were made by the geeks at our school, the mutants that had gained incredible smarts from their mutations. It simulated a real field operation almost perfectly while replicating the feel of everything and providing a true realistic experience.
Without this machine, we wouldn't have any Mutants with good combat experience. That was almost paramount when going into fields where experience was the thing between dead and alive.
I shifted my wrist to where I was looking at the DataPad that was integrated into the left forearm and checked a few things before I put it away. This mission was based off stealth and having a good poker face, two things that were needed in the field of work we wanted to go into.
I have one last look to Hawk before I shrugged. "Alright. Let's do this then."