
Episode 28


[Her daughter wants a daddy]

~She's broken ~

By .........

Neche ibe Favour

Episode 28


Emily's pov's

I sprang up on my feet and went to the couch evans's was sitting on.

"So how is my fake fiancee doing" i said smirking.

"Well he missed his girlfriend" he replied returning the smirk too.

"Oh really" I said moving close to him while he grinned at me.

"So why are you here?" I asked him placing my hands on his chest.

He looked susprised at what I did but he was quick enough to covered it up with a sly smile on his face.

"Apart from seeing your pretty face" he started, caressing my cheeks lovingly

" Am also here to start working remember you ask me to come today" he replied standing up

"Hmm yeah" I mumbled still thinking about it.

"So you are ready to start working here" I asked him and walked back to my seat.