Love is not something you go out and look for. It finds you, and when it does, ready or not, it will be the best or worse thing that ever happened to you. Meeting Blake Hudson changed my life. One day I was the girl who cared way too much about what people thought about her and I only did things to please the ones I loved most. But after meeting Blake, I changed. I came back a completely different person with a new mindset, a new outlook, a new soul. The Arden that once cared too much about everything and everything, no longer cared at all. I did the things that made me happy. But, also the things that made others I love and care for deeply unhappy. Blake was the best and worse thing that happened to me, and through all the imperfections, the arguments, and the drama he came with, I loved him, and he loved me.

But I'm getting ahead of myself. My story begins on a warm, late August morning, hours before first coming into contact with Blake Hudson.

I awoke to soft sheets, and the morning light trickled in through the blinds. Shedding myself of the remaining glimpses of a dream, my eyes were still shut as I soaked in the warmth of my covers before letting my blue eyes see the sun's rays. Slowly and reluctantly, I uncover my face. I blink, close my eyes, and blink again. Streaks of sunlight penetrate the window and blind me. I sit up, drag my feet off the bed, and rub my knuckles onto my eyes. I stretch my arms above my head and yawn. I watch my legs dangle above the cream carpet.

Today was the day.

Today I would be leaving the comfort of Cannon Beach and heading to Washington to start my freshman year at college.

I inhaled the familiar scent of homemade blueberry pancakes my mother was making downstairs, trying to embed the comforting smell in my mind for when I was feeling homesick. For as long as I can remember it had always been my mother and I. I was told my father had left when I younger without saying a word to my mom. Yes, I would love to have my dad around but, this was my normal and I didn't hate it. In fact, I enjoyed it just being my mom and I. She was my best friend, and I hers.

I made my way to the bathroom and started getting ready for the day ahead. I couldn't stop thinking about how things are going to change from now on, every decision I make from now is going to effect my future, my whole life. What about my boyfriend Jason? Unlike me, he had decided to stay in Oregon for college, though it isn't far from Washington, I don't know how we'd managed the distance. If I'm honest with you, I wasn't sure if I loved Jason. I want to say I do, but I don't know if I do. Maybe we only got together because he was basically the first boy I had ever become close with. He was my first for everything, and maybe I'm just clinging onto something that isn't actually there. Or perhaps maybe I did love him, just not in the way a girlfriend loves her boyfriend.

"Arden, hurry up! We have to leave in 20 minutes!" My mother shouted from the kitchen. I smiled at the sound of her voice, this was the last time she was going to tell me to hurry up for a very long while. After getting dressed, I grabbed my bag and made my way downstairs to greet my mom.

"Finally. Your food is getting cold," she said as she handed me a plate of pancakes with bacon and scrambled eggs.

I smiled and took a seat at the kitchen counter, "thanks mom." She looked at me with her sad blue eyes and sighed. "Mom –" I started as I swallowed a piece of a pancake, "don't look at me like that, you're going to make me cry." I said as I laughed a nervously with a slight crack in my voice.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I just can't believe my baby is leaving me today. What am I going to do without you honey?"

I stood up and walked to my mother, hugging her from behind. "You are going to live your life just as you do now, but now you can have more fun without me being under your feet. And maybe you can start dating..." I led on and looked at her.

"Dating? Seriously, your leaving for college and all you can think about is me dating?" She said sternly.

"It would be good for you, come on mom, just think about it." I kissed her cheek and put my plate in the sink.

"Speaking of dating, where's Jason?" She asked.


I sighed at the thought of him.

"Erm, we said goodbye yesterday. Figured it'd be too hard to do today." I replied and sipped my orange juice. She nodded and jumped up out of her seat and clapped her hands. "Chop chop, we don't want to be late!" I laughed and followed her out of the kitchen and to the already fully packed car.

This was it.

This was finally it.

I was officially heading to beginning of my new life. A life that I'd soon be all too familiar and comfortable with. A life that will give me the best and worse thing that could ever happen to me.


Nearly 6 hours later and a few stops along the way, I was finally here and stood outside my dorm room. I slowly opened the door and found a girl sitting on a bed folding some clothes.

"Hi, Arden right? I'm Hanna!" She beamed and stood up to shake my hand. She was a pretty girl to say the least. She had straight black hair with blue streaks, pale skin, dark brown eyes, and stood over my small 5'1 frame.

"Nice to meet you, Hanna." I smiled and placed my suitcase by the other bed. My mom smiled at Hanna and shook her hand as well.

"So Hanna, what are you like? In a gang? Smoke pot? Drink alco–" my cheeks turned red with embarrassment as my mom spoke.

"Mom! Shut up." I nudged her and smiled at Hanna, "I'm sorry about that." I said.

"It's all cool, but anyways, I'll leave you guys to unpack I've got some pot smoking to do." She laughed and looked at my mom, "just joking." She said as she skipped out the room. My mom gave me a worried looked.

"I already don't like that girl." I shook my head and ignored her comment and started unpacking, going back and forth to the car for the next hour and a half.

After saying goodbye to my mother, I settled in my dorm room getting comfy in bed. Thinking of how different it'll be now. Suddenly, my phone buzzed.

Jason: Hi babe. Have a good first day tomorrow, I LOVE YOU :)

I sighed and placed my phone on my chest, closing my eyes mentally preparing for tomorrow. But little did I know, tomorrow would bring something that I hadn't expected.