They say we fall in love 3 times during our life. The first love often happens young. In my case it was when I was 14 and got my first boyfriend, Daniel Wilson. You eventually grow apart or call it quits over silly things (he decided he didn't love me anymore and dumped me for Margot Riley). When you get older and look back you then realise that wasn't love. But, deep down you knew it was, as it was love for what you knew it to be.

Then comes the second love, the hard one. You get hurt in this one (Jason proved this). This love teaches you lessons and makes you stronger. This love includes pain, lies, and betrayal. But this is the one where you learn to grow and we realise what we love about love and what we don't love about love. Now, you'll finally be able to tell the difference between good people and bad people. You become cautious, closed, careful, and considerate.

Now for the third love, I haven't had that yet. But it comes blindly. There is no warning, and it sneaks up on you silently. You could put up any wall you want, but all for nothing because this person will find a way to break it down. You'll find yourself caring about that person without even trying. They're nothing like your usual crushes, but you could get lost in their eyes daily. You see beauty in all their imperfections. You hide nothing from them. You crave marriage and a family from them. You thank God for them. You really love them deeply and truly. (Or so I think you do).

Sometimes you meet someone, and it's so clear that that the two of you, on some level belong together. As lovers, as friends, or as family, or maybe even something entirely different like an enemy. You just work, whether you understand each other, or you're in love, or even just best friends. You meet these people throughout your life, out of nowhere, and under the strangest circumstances, and they help you feel alive. And if I'm honest with you, I don't know whether that makes me believe in fate or just luck, but it definitely makes me believe in something.

I just wonder when I will find this.

Cheating. The word is making me feel sick as I think about it. It's the most disgusting, hurtful, and disrespectful thing to do to someone you say you 'love'. Clearly Jason didn't love me if he did that. He looked directly at the camera and smiled whilst he was doing it. Like he didn't even remember who I was and what we were. I guess I should blame myself, I saw the signs months ago. Private phone calls, him acting on edge, and him always coming to me smelling like girls perfume. But his excuse was that his mother or sister was spraying it around him. And of course, gullible little Arden believed that cheating son of a bitch.

"Earth to Arden," a hand waved in my face, "are you coming or what then?" I looked up at a tall frame, looking at me with a confused look, realising that I had stopped in my path, I composed myself.

"Yeah, sorry." I shook my head and followed him to his all black 2 door Ford Mustang. Such a nice car for a raggedy boy.


Why was he being so nice. Just 15 minutes ago he told the whole table that my boyfriend had just cheated on me. So why would he want to take me somewhere? I hope he doesn't hurt me, he looks dangerous. But dangerously good, if I might say. But now wasn't the time to be swooning over the bad boy who sat in the driver seat next to me. I hadn't even texted or called Jason asking for an explanation. But why should I? I wasn't in the wrong.

"Where are you taking me?" I asked.

"You'll see." Blake replied, not taking his eyes off the road, but only instead turned up his music. Playing Sweater Weather by the Neighbourhood. Today was a nice warm day, the sun was shining, birds were chirping and there was a gentle breeze in the air. I inhaled the fresh air and leaned my head on the open window, closing my eyes, letting them intake the sun. I slightly opened my eye and looked in the wing mirror and saw Blake looking at me. No smile, no emotion. Nothing. Just staring.

I didn't feel uncomfortable.

In fact, it made me feel safe. Like I had someone watching over me, someone to protect me. But I shouldn't think like that. He and I would never happen, even if deep down I wanted it to. It wouldn't. Just like his twin brother, he probably had a girlfriend. I was just wishful thinking. Because like he said the night before, we was in the same friendship group now, we have to get along. This was just an act of friendship, or even pity.

After so long, I started ignoring my thoughts and let myself get lost in the wind and gentle rock music that playing.

We didn't talk the whole way, but it was a comfortable silence.

About 15 minutes later, he finally parked up. But I couldn't see anything special, all I could see was a few big rocks with graffiti on them.

"Erm is this it?" I asked curiously. Blake looked at me and didn't say a word, instead he got out of his car and started walking forward. Quickly, I got out too and soon heard the beep of the car locking behind me.

All I could think about was his blue eyes. It was like they had the whole world in them. They had the love, they had the hate, they had the anger, and they had the sadness. Truthfully, I don't think Blake is as tough as he lets on, there's something about him that says otherwise. I want to figure it out, but will I be able to?

"Walk faster." He said loudly from in front of me, turning around quickly to face me.

I scowled, "today is not a day to be telling me to walk faster. Plus, your legs are longer than mine." I said whilst I continued slow walking. Instead of replying, Blake stomped down towards me and picked me up and placed me over his shoulder.

"Hey! What the fuck do you think your doing?!" I squealed, trying to ignore the butterflies and sparks I had just felt when he touched me.

"You're taking too long, this is quicker." He said gruffly and walked at a fast pace. Why was his touch so soothing? Instead of arguing further, I relaxed and allowed him to take me wherever he was taking me.

"Close your eyes."

Hesitantly, I closed them and felt him drop me too my feet, placing his hands over my eyes instead of me just keeping them close myself. "Take it easy now, we don't want you falling." He whispered into my ear, making the hairs on the back of my neck stand. My breathing hitched and I nodded, "okay."

We didn't have to walk for too much longer, because when he uncovered my eyes, I saw the most beautiful meadow, filled with white, red and pink flowers. I was lost for words, how did someone like him know of somewhere like this? Somewhere so angelic and heavenly. "Wow." I whispered quietly under my breath.

As quiet as ever, Blake walked to a single tree in the middle of the field and sat down, leaning his back on the tree stump, legs open, and picked a flower and started dismembering its petals. I followed and instead lied down, basking in the warm sun.

"Why did you bring me here?" I asked and looked at him.

"I don't know, I just thought you'd enjoy it." He shrugged and threw a petal.

"I already love it here, it's so quiet and beautiful." I smiled at him, and he gave me the tiniest smile back and nodded. Again we sat in silence, the same silence we had in the car. I don't think either of us felt uncomfortable though, because soon enough Blake came and lied down next to me.

"What does that cloud look like to you?" He asked pointing to a cloud.

"A love heart." I replied and looked at it closely. Was that a sign? We were two strangers that lay under a love heart in an empty field of flowers. Just the two of us.

"How long was you and that guy together for?" I furrowed my eyebrows at the random question but decided to answer anyway.

"2 years. What a waste of time that was huh?" I said rhetorically and sat up.

Blake turned to face me, brushing a strand of hair out of my face, looking deep into my eyes. I couldn't focus. His touch send me crazy, his gaze made me stomach churn in the best way. He made me feel something I had never felt before. Just him. Nothing more, nothing less. Just Blake Hudson.

He got a daisy flower and tucked it carefully in my blonde hair, almost as if he'd never been so careful in his whole life. I blushed and looked down, only for him to tilt my chin upwards and gently kiss me.

I was in shock at first, but slowly I got used to his lips and was finally in sync with his lips. But when he realised that, he stopped and pulled away.

"Meeting you was like listening to a song for the first time knowing it would be my favourite." He whispered as his blue eyes twinkled in the bright sun.

"But you barley know me." I whispered back.

He shook his head, taking a cigarette out of his pocket and lighting it, "I don't need to know you to know that I want you, to know that when I saw you for the first time, I'd never seen a girl so beautiful."

I could feel that he and I had a special connection, it was nothing like what Jason and I had shared. No.

When his eyes met mine, my soul pointed at him and whispered to my heart,
