It was like Blake had left a permanent handprint on my heart. Even if we only spent a few hours together, he some how made me feel something I'd never felt before, or if I had felt it, it had never been this extreme. It was too soon to be saying I was falling in love, but I was definitely falling in something. But I welcomed it. I wasn't scared, I wasn't anxious, I wanted it even though I had just gotten out of a relationship.

Just from the way he sauntered around everywhere, you could tell he was a dark soul. Maybe I was just assuming the worse, maybe he was just your average boy who liked all black clothing, tattoos, drinking, and trouble. Or maybe he really was fighting demons deep down. I wanted to get to know him, I felt like I needed to get to know him. If my mother knew what I was thinking, she'd tell me I was wasting my time, and that he'd only walk away after so long. But maybe she's wrong. Maybe I could break the bad boy. Maybe I could be his salvation – little did I know, he'd be my salvation instead.

He wanted to see me again tonight. In 10 minutes actually. It was currently 10:50 p.m. and I was outside the dorm building, waiting on a wooden bench. Luckily, I had decided to wrap up warm, because to say it was late summer, it was still chilly outside.

I wonder where he was taking me.

Could it be to the same meadow as earlier?

Or could it be to my death? Could I be one of Blake's next victims? I doubt that I would be, I don't think it'd be possible for him to kill someone, he looks like he cares deep down, and he has shown it in one way or another.

I sat on the bench deep in my thoughts when all of a sudden a black car pulls up. The window rolled down and there was Blake, looking absolutely amazing if I might say.

"Get in." He said sternly and opened the door. I obeyed and sat next to him in the passenger seat. "You look nice." He told me as he eyed me up and down, whilst he was driving. I wasn't wearing anything special tonight, I was wearing blue ankle jeans, a white top, converse, and a brown cardigan, topped with a crossbody bag. Probably one of the most plain outfits there could ever be.

"Keep your eyes on the road." I quietly said and crossed one leg over another. "Where are we going anyways?" I added and looked at him.

"I took you some place I knew you'd love, now I'm taking you some place I love." He shrugged, and ran his hand through his dark hair.

We had been driving for around 20 minutes when the car came to a stop in a dark alley. Oh my God, he really was going to kill me, wasn't he?

Trying not to show my obvious fear, I took deep and steady breaths. And looked at Blake who was looking at his phone.

"Relax, Arden. You're not going to die. Take a chill pill." He scoffed as he looked up from his phone, "let's go." We got out the car, and he led me to some stairs that lead to an underground tunnel. This was weird. It was almost like a secret society.

He knocked on the door 3 times, and a big guy opens the door. Just like Blake he was covered in tattoos, but also had a few piercings on him. "What's up Mike." Blake said as he did the hug that guys do.

"You're in for a treat tonight Blake. But who's this pretty little thing you've brought along?" Mike said as he looked at me creepily. Blake quickly stood next to me and wrapped his arm around my shoulder and glared at Mike.

"This is my girlfriend, Arden. Keep your eyes off her." He said as he pulled me closer. I waved my hand a little at Mike, and he grunted and kind of chuckled at the same time.

"Blake Hudson with a girlfriend, never thought I'd see the day." He stood out the way and gestured his hand to another door. "Good luck Blake." He said and slammed the door.

"Blake, what is this?" I said with a worried tone as we walked through a dimly lit, damp hallway. He looked at me and smirked mischievously.

"I know what you're thinking, Arden. But don't worry, you're not in any danger. I wouldn't ever put you in a dangerous situation. I just want you to see what I like to do." He said as he opened a door which led to a small room with a mirror, table, and one single chair. As soon as he shut the door, he took his T-shirt off.

I squealed and covered my eyes. "What the fuck are you doing." I said trying not to look at him. Only, he came closer and removed my hands from my eyes and stared deep into them. Slowly, he took my hands and placed them on his chest, making them trail down to his abs. My breathing hitched, and it took all my strength not to look at his well toned body.

"Like what you see Arden?" He asked whilst he stood back and laughed lightly. He started unbuttoning his trousers and quickly took them off. My eyes were still focused on his, and his never left mine as he undressed.

"What are you doing Blake?" I whispered as I stared at him. He ignored me, and made his way to a single drawer, pulling something black out of it. He turned around and held up a pair of Nike basketball shorts.

"I'm putting these on." He said as he put on the shorts. And also pulled out a pair of boxing shoes.

This can't be good.

"Let's go, we're going to be late." Blake was only wearing shorts and shoes now, no T-shirt or anything. And he looked amazing, I wonder how many times he worked out in a week. His tattoos were evident now, I didn't realise he was covered in them. Especially on his chest. His whole chest area was packed with tattoos, not a single clear spot was left. I think my favourite one was the most evident one, a drawing of an Ancient Greek statue of a woman with long hair.

We left the room and walked down the same hallway, only this time, made a left and a man who was around the same height as Blake greeted us.

"Well hello, Blake. Nice if you to join us." He said as he tutted, and then looked at me, "and I see you came along with some beautiful company." Why were all the guys that I've met here intimidating and creepy?

"Shut the fuck up, Jones." Blake said aggressively, "I need you to stay with Arden whilst I'm out there. Don't, let her leave your sight, and if you let any other man talk to her, or even you Jones, I'll come for you myself." Jones nodded and smiled.

"You got it, boss." He winked at me, and I shrunk closer to Blake.

"Enjoy the show, Arden." Blake smirked and Jones told me to walk with him down the hallway.

"Blake. Tell me what's going on." I said as I stayed in the exact same spot.

"Don't worry, it's a bit of fun." He smiled and nudged me towards Jones. Hesitantly, I walked behind Jones and he led me to a big room, and in the middle of it was a boxing ring. You could see the dried up blood on the white flooring of it, despite the dim lighting.

If I was correct, Blake was an illegal underground boxer. And I was about to see him fight.

I didn't want to witness him getting hurt. I couldn't.

Why would he bring me here?

Here of all the places, after our time at the beautiful meadow.

All of a sudden, a loud voice erupted in the room, and the crowds started to cheer and make noise.

"We're in for a treat guys! Next up, in the left corner we have Vinny 'The Dog' Clemens!" The crowd began to cheer louder, and some even started shaking the metal fences that blocked them from getting into the ring. Jones had taken me to a seat nearest the ring, on the right side.

A man who was tall and well built entered the room, bouncing up and down, sticking his tongue out and making agressive growls to the crowd. I guess that's why they called him the dog.

"In the right corner, we have a personal favourite of mine! BLAKE 'KNOCKOUT' HUDSON!" The man shouted down the mic and unlike Vinny Clemens crowd reaction, Blake had received the loudest roars, cheers, and claps.

Blake had emerged from the dark tunnel, with an evil grin on his face. Neither of them had no gloves or mouth guards in, and I can officially say I was scared for him. His opponent was way bigger than him.

"Why are you letting him do this?!" I practically screamed at Jones. It was too loud for Blake to hear me and Jones looked at me amused.

"Keep your tiara on, princess. Blake's one of the best, if not the best, amateur boxers I've ever come across. He's got this." I worriedly kept my eyes on Blake as he fought.

To say he was smaller than Vinny, Blake was certainly stronger and had more stamina, because he won the fight. But not without a busted lip, and cut cheek bone. I practically ran to Blake after his fight in the room we was in before. He was stood in front of the mirror, inspecting his cuts and bruises.

"Blake! What the fuck was that? You could've got seriously injured." I walked towards him and made him sit on the table as I got the first aid kit that was tucked in a corner.

"Mmm I see you was worried about me then?" He smiled as he looked into my eyes. I opened the first aid kit and opened some cleansing wipes and started cleaning his wounds lightly. He didn't flinch a single bit and instead just stared at me.

"Of course I was worried about you. You box in an illegal fighting ring." I sad quietly and continued to clean his wounds. He removed my hand from his face, and placed his on both sides of my cheeks, and without warning, kissed me deeply. This time he didn't pull away when I kissed back, instead he pulled me closer.

It was then I realised, the first time he had kissed me I was hooked. One kiss and I was addicted. Now I know that no one else could ever make me feel the electric and fireworks he makes me feel.

He drew back from the kiss after a few minutes and held my waist close to him, looking at me deeply.

I looked into his perfect eyes and I knew I would follow him to the end of the earth.