2 months had gone by and now it was late October, more specifically Halloween, my favourite time of the year. I loved the candy, I loved the amber leaves, and I loved the cold breeze the air had.

Not much had happened in the past few months. I was doing well in my classes, I had gotten really close with the whole group, Jason hadn't even bothered to call or text me, and most of all, Blake and I were still together. We hadn't had any issues, and I can feel myself becoming more and more attached as the days go on.

Blake and I had spent most days together, in his apartment, just the two of us. He didn't have to pretend to be a bad boy in front of me, he didn't have to try live up to certain expectations people have of him in front of me, he could just be Blake Hudson. The boy who liked to play video games, liked to read, and listen to soft rock at the same time. He could just be him. And I welcomed every aspect of him, no matter how good or bad it was.

Yes, he still smoked his cigarettes and still participated in underground boxing matches (something I didn't like by the way), but the Blake I had first seen at the party when I first arrived, was not the Blake I had gotten to know. He was gentle, kind, passionate, and loving towards me. But it was like he was embarrassed to show anyone else this beautiful side of him, he just wanted people to see the devil in him. To think the worse of him. I didn't want people thinking of him in negative ways.

"Oh wow, you're finally home for once." Hanna said as she saw me sitting on my bed as she entered the dorm room.

"Nice to see you too."

Okay, I'll admit I may have been spending too much time at Blake's apartment. Only come back here to grab clothes and my books. But that meant Hanna could have the place to herself, and her new beau as well. "How's Adam?" I asked.

"It's only been a month, but I really do think he's it for me Arden. He's amazing!" She exclaimed and flung herself over me. Kissing my cheek, "I missed you, are you staying over tonight?"

Sadly, I was not. Blake and I were going to a Halloween party Dane was throwing, and I'm sure Hanna was going to. But I had already made plans with Blake to leave early, order Chinese food, and watch a movie.

"I promise you, I'll come back tomorrow, tonight we're going to the Halloween party then leaving early. Are you going?" I asked.

"Of course I'm going, you know I'd never miss an opportunity to party. Adam is coming as well, we're wearing devil and angel matching outfits!" She swooned over her newest boyfriend, and beamed with happiness.

We sat there for the next two hours talking about what was going on in our life's and the recent college gossip, until it was time for me to go back to Blake's and get ready. I said my goodbyes to Hanna and walked back to Blake's apartment, wishing I had worn a jacket.

20 minutes later, I had arrived. Blake must've gotten back before me as his car was parked outside. I walked up the stairs and opened the door.

"Arden, where did you go?" He came out of his room with a towel wrapped around his waist and one round his neck. Water still dripped down his chest to his torso, running over the ink that was drawn into his skin. No matter how many times I get to look at him, he still takes my breath away. "Why didn't you tell me you was going out, I would've picked you up after I went to the gym. It's freezing out there." He said as he made his way towards me, and wrapped his strong arms around me.

"I'm not 5 years old, Blake. I can walk home you know." I laughed and kissed his nose.

"But I'd prefer it if I picked you up, so I know your safe." I shook my head and wriggled out of his grip, placing my bag down on the table.

"I need to go get ready, we have to be there in an hour." I gave him one last kiss, and headed towards the shower.


An hour later, I was finally finishing up my makeup. This year I decided to go as a vampire nurse. I loved dressing up for Halloween, but my favourite outfit was probably when I was 8 years old and at the time I was obsessed with Belle from beauty and the beast, so I dressed up as Belle, and my mother was the beast.

"Do we have to go?" Blake groaned and came and leaned on the bathroom door. I gasped and turned around to look at him, scowling at what he was wearing.

"Why aren't you dressed up?" He was wearing his usual T-shirt, jeans, and shoes, no effort had been made whatsoever to get into the Halloween spirit.

"I don't do Halloween, if it was up to me I'd be staying in." He replied and smoked his cigarette, "but you however, do Halloween as much as you want, because you look beautiful." He eyed me up and down, but I shook my head and grabbed my bag from the side and opened the front door, storming out to his car. Only to hear him laughing from behind.

By the time we had arrived the house was packed, Dane really went all out for this party. The walls had cobwebs, spiders, skeletons all over, and each room had smoke machines, with different coloured lighting.

"Arden! You made it." Dane shouted from the top of the stairs as we walked in. "Blakey you came as well." He hugged me and shook Blake's hand, "everyone's in the pool area." He pointed to a back door, which lead to a room with a pool, covered by a glass ceiling. In there sat all of my new friends.

"You look sexy Arden." Grace exclaimed as she walked over and gave me a hug, alongside Lily. "I see you couldn't get this one to dress up, huh?" She said and raised an eyebrow.

"I'd have to be God for that, Grace." I said as I sat down next to Blake on a loveseat. For the next half an hour, we all chatted and talked about random stuff.

Suddenly I hear an all too familiar voice.

"Arden. What the fuck are you doing here, and who the fuck is that?!" The voice said as he pointed to Blake who was now stood up, standing in front of me protectively.

I stood up next to Blake and looked at the boys face.

"Jason. Why are you here?"