"Don't go there". A tall man, not totally a man I think he is still a teenager, a stupid one because there a clear signs on the door at entrance saying 'do not enter danger' and mister dumb ass don't give a crap about it. And I can see the death all around him like a hunter waiting for the perfect time to give the final assault. And this idiot won't even notice it or if he does it will be late for him to save himself. "stop, don't go any further " I scream but it's worthless and I know it none of them can hear me here, must I say almost all of them, only one time I remember one women heard me when I was trying to warn his son. I saw him dying in a car accident , she heard or have a glimpse of something but years later I found out he died in that car accident and the his mother, the one who heard me warning him about imminent danger he would encounter, was a permanent resident in a psychiatric hospital, and when I visited her, she recognized me, I remember I was almost twelve years old nothing to do with the little five years girl who tried to warn his son. But even if she remembered me she wasn't herself anymore, her true self after all the medications and treatments the had had for years. People thought she went crazy because for months after her son's death, she kept saying " she warn him, the beautiful little girl " again and again but no one believed her, who will believe her in a society of skeptical. People don't believe in something they can't see and if you affirm that you can see what most one humans can't you are the crazy or the odd one; even if they don't say it words you see it their eyes.
It's been almost 3 years without this dreams or visions I don't know how to call them and tonight one more time the nightmare begins .