Chapter 17: Cheated Death or Directed Life

P.O.V Cathia

"Dad, I'm going upstairs, and please don't stop me. I can't leave her alone tonight after what happened in the morning." I heard a muffled voice of Leo who must be downstairs, talking to Sir Liam. I was standing at the door, leaning my head against the door frame.

"Leo, what do you think? How do you belong to her?" I felt a bit of aggressiveness in Sir Liam's tone. My heart started its abnormal high pumping, waiting for Leo's reply.

"We... We are good friends, and I'm going, that's final." It was like a stern reply. I couldn't help guessing if it made me feel good or even worst.

Then I heard footsteps. Leo was coming, but I didn't bother to go inside and lay down on the bed, the way I spent my whole day. I stood there and he finally came. He was holding two mugs of coffee in his hands.

There were dark circles around his eyes. He looked thinner as if he also fell ill with me. Depression was always like that.