
12- Our-Own-Path

After Raj reached the guest room, he saw that there were royal family guards at the entrance. Raj thought maybe some Royal family member came to visit Leon clan but didn’t pay much attention it.

As he entered, he saw that Albert his grandpa was talking to a Royal family Eunuch and it looked like they were discussing about something Important. Raj took a casual look, and saw that Lily was also present in the hall was sitting beside the eunuch.

Lily is the Royal family princess and also Raj’s fiancée. Raj saw that Lily was also present in the hall and was pleasantly surprised and happy. As Raj was unable to comprehend the changes in his family, it was a relief if he was able to spend some time with Lily and maybe he can improve his mood from all the situations he was going through.

As Raj entered, all the people present in the hall gathered their eyes on Raj.

“Raj have a seat” said Albert without giving Raj a chance to greet or ask anything.

Raj heard and without thinking anything sat on an empty chair.

After Raj took a seat, the Eunuch stood up and walked to the center of the hall and took out a scroll or the so called ‘Imperial decree’. And started speaking

“Today the King of Saurastra kingdom has declared that the marriage alliance between Raj Leon and Lily Connor will be cancelled as his majesty’s daughter which is the 5th Princess of the kingdom, has been recruited as a disciple of the ‘Frozen Palace’ and will be joining ‘Frozen Palace’ after two months and to fulfillment the requirement of the ‘Frozen Palace’ the marriage has to be cancelled.”

After finishing reading, the Eunuch closed the decree and looked at Raj and spoke

“Raj will be allotted a palace, an army of 2000 soldiers and about 1000 low grade energy stones as compensation”

After that the Eunuch clapped his hands and a guard brought a tray consisting of a storage ring along with an Imperial token and some documents.

The eunuch then again spoke to Raj,

“Raj, now sign the document and cancel your marriage alliance and accept the compensation”

Raj was stunned by the announcement and came back to his senses when the Eunuch spoke to him. Raj then looked at his grandpa Albert for a moment or two, and then his eyes moved towards Lily who was sitting as if there was nothing important. By seeing her reaction, Raj started having a bad premonition and asked Lily in a low voice,

“Lily what is this supposed to mean, we were supposed to marry next year and we also made many promises with each other but now the king is asking for marriage cancellation and you are quite”

Hearing Raj speaking to her and mentioning about the time spent together and promises made with each other, Lily first got irritated then angry and spoke coldly

“Raj it's not that I forgot all that but I can't waste my life with you. You, who has just Level 1 talent and got stuck in the Evolver level and will probably be always staying at that level has no future. I can’t marry a waste so I had only two choices, one to marry a waste like you and live my life in agony or choose to move on. So, I chose to move on and got recruited to ‘Frozen Palace’. It is better to sign the divorce and so that we can move on our own path.”

As Raj heard Lily, his premonition got real and he felt that his heart was aching. Raj thought of asking for his Grandpa if he could help in this matter but instead his grandpa say

“Raj sign the documents and accept the compensation”

Hearing his grandpa, Raj was blankly looking at his grandpa, he didn’t understand why his grandpa spoke in that way. Raj thought that his grandpa would get angry because if Raj’s and Lily’s marriage gets cancelled then the Leon clan would lose its prestige and face. Now it seems like his grandpa doesn’t mind and wants to end this matter as soon as possible.

Seeing that Raj was standing still, everyone in the hall was frowning and Albert spoke loudly

“RAJ!!! I said sign the documents”

Hearing his grandpa, Raj was trembling with anger, grief, sadness. Then he walked to the guard, took the Marriage papers and signed it. He threw the documents to the guard and ran out of the Guest hall and exited the Leon clan and ran until he reached the exit of the capital city. There as he was about to exit the city, a voice called out to him

“Raj wait”

Hearing someone was calling him, Raj stopped and turned in the direction of the voice.

Raj saw that the speaker was his roommate and his best friend at the Gurukul Jack ray.

Raj saw that Jay Ray, Simon Taylor and Mark Anthony were walking towards him. Seeing it was his friends he calmed down and spoke

“What are you guys doing here?”

“Nothing we thought we should meet you, as we are planning to travel and also visit different places, so we thought it would be better to meet all of us once together and then part our ways” spoke Mark.

“Yes, c'mon brother let's go to a restaurant and spend some time” spoke Simon Taylor.

Hearing them, Raj shook his head and said

“I am not in the mood maybe tomorrow”

and without waiting for them to speak, Raj ran out of the city.