14- Forgotten Truth

14- Forgotten Truth

Hearing his friends, Raj understood why his friends betrayed. Raj was trying to hold his grief and anger and finally asked,

“Who was it? And if you wanted to kill me why have you still kept me alive and not killed me.”

Seeing that Raj was almost done and was hanging on last bit of energy, the three Jack Ray, Simon Taylor and Mark Anthony looked at each other and smiled evilly

“Well, it's because we don’t want to leave any evidence and it would be better to kill you away from the Kingdom’s capital and deep inside where no one comes and let wild animals kill you instead of dirtying our hands with your blood we brought you all the way to the border of the Saurastra kingdom and will leave you here”

“And since you are going to die, we will do you a favor and tell the person who organized all this”

“Its your dear fiancée who was our boss who planned all this. I know you might not believe it but its true”

“She never told us the reason but she did give us lot of cultivation resource and helped us in joining the ‘Frozen Palace’ as outer disciples”

“Well think about it Raj, we don’t have that much money to buy those two ‘Nine-Time destroying herbs’

And ‘Devil’s breath’. It is said these two herbs are worth a country’s year worth income”

“Lily stole it from the kingdom’s treasury and gave it to us”

“Heheh Raj, it looks like you won’t know the reason why your Fiancée Lily did all that to you and die and become food for the animals”

“And Raj we were thinking about how to take you out of the Leon Clan without alarming anyone and you have come to us.”

“Yeah, we are so lucky that no one will doubt us that we were the reason for your death and the secret will go with you to hell”

With that the three Jack Ray, Simon Taylor and Mark Anthony gave Raj an evil laugh and turned around and left. As they were leaving Raj heard

“As a parting gift let us tell you why your family is treating you badly. Its because you do not have any future. The Leon clan is a warrior clan and you have only Level 1 talent. And since it is waste to cultivate you they will treat you that way. Being a Leon clan member is the only reason they haven’t killed you and they can only let you live and keep you as a ‘garbage object’ in clan”

“Hehehe maybe the Leon clan should thank us for killing you and helping then save their resources”

“Raj is so stupid that he cannot tell why his family is treating him so badly.... hahaha”

Gradually the three Jack Ray, Simon Taylor and Mark Anthony left and gradually their voice got low and it seems they are far from Raj and left him to death.


Hearing what the three Jack Ray, Simon Taylor and Mark Anthony said, Raj was lost in thought as he was getting filled with hate, anger, despair, grief, fear, sadness and all kinds of negative emotions, Raj couldn't hold himself and screamed with all his energy to try and relieve himself but no matter how much he screams, his negative emotions just increase.

Raj was a normal student in his previous life, he was not a genius but he was smart enough, he was neither rich nor poor, he had a crush but got rejected in his previous life but he still loved her, he had a good loving family.

He did not have many friends and did not have much savings to spend on Game stations so, to get rid of his boredom, he got in touch with novels-manga-comics-anime and gradually all these were his friends.

Raj was simply attracted to how beautiful the world of anime was and always dreamt if there was any chance of going to anime world he would surely go. So, after he got into an accident and arrived in this world he thought he could live in this world happily, but the reality is cruel.

Raj was blinded by the fact ‘that he was in an anime world and thought in this world he could find happiness’ but he forgot one thing.

That is, this world is a cultivation world.

In this world, strength is what matters and, talent is what makes people give them respect and love.

In this world, friends, family, wife, children, any other would betray or stab you in the back for benefits.

Here strong eat the weak.

This world is cruel.

This was the truth that Raj forgot due to being blinded by his love towards ‘anime’.

Now Raj has remembered the ‘Forgotten truth’ and that he was in the cultivation world where

‘Being kind to your enemy is cruel to yourself and one should never trust someone. While the strength is what matters in this world. ‘

Due to being overwhelmed by the negative emotions, something clicks in his mind, Raj feels that some kind of door has opened and gradually he loses his consciousness and faints.


Writer’s note

I am going to change my story narration style from ‘third person view’ to ‘first person view’.

Let's say, after this chapter Raj will gain RPG style system, and there will be change in Raj’s character so I thought maybe going from ‘third person view’ to ‘first person view’ will be like Raj’s original character will be ‘third person view’ style and ‘first person view’ would new kind of character.
