

"Enter name 'Orochi';"


'Name has been successfully registered'

'Welcome 'Orochi'"

'calculating and displaying the status now'


Name: Orochi

Race: Human

Rank: G

Level: 1/100

Exp: 0/100

Title: None

Condition: Poisoned


STATS: - (Available Free Stats Points: 0)

HP: 8/100 MP:10/10

Strength: 5

Agility: 5

Defense: 2

Resistance: 3

Sense: 5

Stamina: 3 ------ Fatigue: 10/30

Intelligence: 7

Vitality: 2

Charm: 10


Skills: None

Job: None



'Preparing introduction as host has selected for the guide.'

'Welcome Orochi'

'The (Race) describes to the race which the host belongs'

'The (HP) and (MP) represents, Health Points and Magic Points. Health points represents the health of the host while the magic points represent the amount magic or mana available to the host for casting any magic or skill as they require (MP). Cannot be increased by adding (Free Stat points), can only increase after leveling up.'

'Strength is the measurement of how strong the host physically is and how much force the host can generate. Can be increased by adding (Free Stat points)'

'Agility is the measurement of how much flexibility and how much speed the host has. Can be increased by adding (Free Stat points)'

'Defense is the measurement of how much the host can bear external forces from damaging himself. Can be increased by adding (Free Stat points)'

'Resistance tells how much the host can resist poison, virus, bacteria or anything that damages the host internally. Can be increased by adding (Free Stat points)'

***RECOMENDED- Host to keep the Defense and Resistance balanced for increasing efficiency***

'Sense helps the host to increase the sensitivity of the 6 senses and can be helpful for cultivating and sensing natural or heaven's powers. Can be increased by adding (Free Stat points)'

'Stamina and Fatigue are inversely proportional. Which means that the more stamina the host has, the less fatigue there will be. Stamina tells how much the host can work physically without exhausting himself and fatigue tells how much the host is tired and will reach his limit. Stamina can be increased by adding (Free Stat points) and fatigue limit increases with Stamina'

'Intelligence increases processing any data or thinking ability and reacting according to it. Can be increased by adding (Free Stat points).'

'Vitality represents the life expectancy or the remaining life of the host. Cannot be increased by adding (Free Stat points). Host needs to find external resources to increase vitality or when host increases his rank the vitality will increase to a certain amount'

'Charm represents the ability of the user to attract opposite sex or increase friendliness from the people'

'(Free stat points) can be obtained by leveling up or ranking up or MP of host or others can also be converted into stat points'

'Rank is divided into G, F, E, D, C, B, A, S. As hosts level increases and reaches to the limit, rank can be increased to next level.'

'Levels can be increased by increasing Exp, Exp can be obtained when host kills or defeats someone'

'Skills can be obtained by doing some action related to skill or from the shop'

'Job can be obtained when a certain condition is achieved or activated'

'Host can access 'shop' by saying 'shop' and you can access it'

'So, for trial you try saying 'shop''

I heard this all 'guide' crap and was trying to hold back my pain and said



'Welcome host to the shop'

'Here the host can buy many things like Weapons, Armors, SKills, Food, Potions, Clothes and many other things'

'Host can easily find any item according to a category and can set a price range and the available items will be displayed'

'To exchange anything, host requires 'sikka' which can be obtained by selling anything to the system and a certain price will be calculated on that object. The object that can be sold can be certain animal body parts, weapons, armors, or anything that can be sold and if anything cannot be sold then the system will show that'

'Sikka is the currency used by the system if the host wants to buy, and it can also be obtained by exchanging Gold, silver or bronze or any other ore or material'

'Different material like Gold, silver, or bronze have different exchange value'

'1 Lower grade energy stone = 1000 gold coin'

'1 gold coin = 100 silver coin'

'1 silver coin = 100 bronze coin'


'1 sikka = 10 Bronze coin'

'So, if the host wants, the shop can also be treated as a bank, which means that host can store the money without any storage bank or storage ring. And host can also exchange with the currency used in the world to 'sikka' and vice versa, which means the host can also convert 'sikka' to any currency required for the host to use'


'Guide completed'

Hearing this message, I was basically not shocked or any interested. I pretty much knew these things but the shop caught my attention.

I was right now in a weak state and wanted to scroll the items to see how many things are available and prices of the items but I couldn't hold back and once again I fell on the ground and lay on the ground weakly.

As I was trying to gather some strength, I heard a notification sound and saw a message flashing on the screen in front of my eyes.


'System guide completed'


'host is in critical situation'

'Host is poisoned'

'host's health is below 10'

'Due to host being poisoned, 1 HP will decrease per minute and when HP reaches 0, host will die'

'As due to special circumstances, host will be protected by the system for the first time. So, the host will lose 1 HP per hour'

Seeing all the warning and messages flashing on the screen I was cursing my luck. As it has been just 1 minute when I felt that I was lucky to have a system and now I will die due to those bastards without enjoying anything. But as I saw that system is helping me, I felt like getting up and kissing the system. I felt I have one more chance to save my life. So, seeing that I have only 8 HP left, which means I still have 7-8 hours to save my self and get out of this predicament.