A Good News And A Bad News

80- A Good News And A Bad News

After Armelia finished the flashback, she then said.

“So, we brought you here and you have been unconsciousness for 2 whole months. We tried curing you, but due to the poison the healing process is extremely slow.”

“But I have a good news for you. My mother told me that your poison can be cured.”

Said Armelia with a broad smile.

Hearing this, my whole body trembled with shock. And just as I was doubting if this was a dream, the pain which came told me that it was not a dream. But nonetheless, I asked,

“Are you speaking the truth?”

Seeing my excitement, Armelia replied happily

“Yes, I am telling the truth. Heehee...”

Hearing this I could not control my happiness and I wanted to hug Armelia, but just as I moved an extreme pain brought back me reality.

Seeing this, Armelia hastily said,

“Orochi, don’t move. You have to focus on recovering. My mother told me that she will help you in removing this poison after you are cured.”