
84- Deal

“Hello, Orochi. My name is Sheela. I have heard a lot about you from my daughter’s mouth. Thank you for taking caring of Armelia.”

Said Armelia’s mother or Sheela.

“Ummm... yea...”

I could not think of a proper answer because it was hard to maintain eye contact with Sheela since she was so attractive and I feared that they might find my stare/look similar to that of a pervert.

“Fufu... Looks like your boyfriend is shy.”

Hearing this I just laughed awkwardly and Armelia who was beside me, replied in a stuttering voice

“Ahh...Aunt Bertha, he...he is not my boyfriend. And I won’t ever talk to you if say that again.”

“fufufu... my niece is getting angry on her Aunt huh? Alright then, I will not tease you in front of your boyfriend then.”

“AHHH....Aunt!!! Go, I won’t talk to you anymore.”

With that Armelia ran out of the room.