The Procedure

86- The Procedure

After we were done, we moved back to the room and I was asked to take a seat with them.

After taking a seat we applied some medicine to dagger cuts, I can also drink the HP potion to recover soon but I decided not to do so, because it will raise some troublesome questions. After that, Sheela asked

“So, before we begin, lets discuss something shall we?”

I had no problem so, I simply shrugged and agreed

“No problem.”

“Oh, by the way, please try our Lamia special – Luboos.”

Sheela poured me some kind of a drink.

I took the glass and, a sweet and tangy scent assaulted my nostrils.

Then I took a sip of the drink and as it touched my tongue, I felt an extreme sweet taste. And at the same time, system notification rang,


‘+2 MP’

‘+3 HP’

I was startled for a moment and but more than that, I felt that the drink was extremely good.

So, I took another sip and again the system notification rang.
