Inner feelings

88- Inner feelings

“Yes, my first condition is for you to marry Armelia.”


Did I hear that correctly?

“What do you mean?”

I asked keeping my mind and emotions in control.

Sheela replied,

“I said that I want you to marry my daughter Armelia.”

Hearing this I was completely shocked.

Why would she want me to marry Armelia out of nowhere?

So, instead of raking my brain and putting strain on it, I decided to ask her the reason but before I could speak, Sheela spoke.

“I know you might find this condition weird but from what I can see, my daughter has developed feelings for you. And as a mother, I would like my child to be happy. So, wouldn’t it be better if I could get you to marry her?”

I knew that Armelia has developed feelings for me but I never thought of marrying her.

But nonetheless, I did have some feeling for her and I don’t think marrying her will be of any problem.

“umm...Ok then I will marry her.”