The Crystal Block

161- The Crystal Block

The sounds of fighting continued for almost a minute; the Diamond eyed demonic spider family's painful screams echoed in the cave.





Finally, June’s voice sounded,

“Everyone can now enter.”

Everyone then moved deeper into the nest.

As the group got nearer, the stench got intense but the surrounding spiritual qi also increased.

Finally, when the group reached the core area of the nest, everyone saw a couple of Diamond eyed demonic spider corpses littered on the ground.

The sizes of each Diamond eyed demonic spider varied from the size of a basketball to the size of a 5-6 years old child.

The smaller ones should be the offsprings of the Diamond eyed demonic spider couple. While the corpse with the size equal to that of a 5-6 years old child, should belong to the Diamond eyed demonic spider couple.