
177- Changes


As Orochi’s punch met Bindu Katan’s attack, it was easily destroyed by his punch.

Bindu Katan’s expression did not change by the result, she simply continued with her next attack while a voice was transmitted into Orochi’s ear.

“Next attack will be equal to the full power of a Mid Level of Demi-Human stage human.”

Once again, a fist made up of spiritual Qi was heading at a rapid speed towards Orochi.

And once again, Orochi simply punched out.


The result did not change, Bindu Katan’s attack was once again destroyed.

“Alright, I am going to skip now, my next attack will be equal to the full power of a peak Demi-Human stage human.”

Once again, a fist made of Spiritual Qi headed towards Orochi. But this time, the attack power behind that fist was tremendous.

Even then, Orochi’s expression did not change, his attack remained the same- a normal punch without using Qi.