Golden Cloud Chamber of commerce

192- Golden Cloud Chamber of commerce

Author’s announcement:

I want to update and clarify few things to the readers. It is about “the issue why there was no release for past few days”.

The reason is, there was some issue with the server. I don’t have any proper update yet, will let you know soon.

So, what happened is, after I published the 8 chapters' mass release, I took a day off. And one day later, I uploaded the next chapter.

So, when I published the 2nd chapter, I noticed that in the app it was displaying “Last update 3 days ago.”

I was like...

“I just published 2 chapters and why is it not yet been updated?”

So, by the time I realized there was some issue and I approached the editor, it was the 4th day.

So, it took another day, and BAM, the issue was suddenly solved.

So, now you know the reason for the delay.
