Chan Clan reacts

224- Chan Clan reacts

“12,000 gold coins.”

As soon as the voice fell, immediately everyone’s eyes moved towards the source from which the voice originated.

Alex Xavier’s body jerked when he heard this voice but the next moment he sneered,

“Hehe... truly something. You even dare to bid against the Chan clan. Looks like you truly are an ignorant fool.”

Yes, the one who bid was none other than Orochi.

Not only did Alex Xavier feel that Orochi’s act is foolish, even the other people in the auction hall felt that the person [Orochi], who just made the bid is stupid.

Didn't you guy just hear that a person from the Chan clan had made a bid for the Red Bamboo water?

And you still dare to bid?

Have ever heard about the Chan clan?

Do you even know or are you even aware that the place you are in, is called the ‘Town of Chans’?

Do you even understand what that means?

It means that this whole town is the backyard of the Chan clan and you still dare to make a bid?