A glimpse into Orochi's Un-orthodox ways of Becoming Rich

236- A glimpse into Orochi's Un-orthodox ways of Becoming Rich

Orochi, who was now walking normally towards the exit of the town, that is towards the town gates; suddenly heard sounds of explosions,

Immediately he turned around and saw that a few hundred meters away from his location, various flares were fired towards the sky, and the whole sky in that area was now covered with red and black colors.

The sight looked extremely terrifying as if a devil had descended at that place and started a massacre such that the blood of humans has dyed the air into red color.

Seeing this scene, Orochi’s expression changed and cursed inwardly,

‘Fusk... that old bastard used flares. If I am not wrong, one of those flare colors represents the order/command of closing down all the exits of the town.’

‘That bastard wants to prevent me from stepping out of this town.’