Rack Chan

243- Rack Chan

Orochi’s speed is no joke.

When he threw the tomahawk, he used good strength so it just took less than a second for the tomahawk to get close to the middle aged guy.

But when he exploded at his maximum speed with his 50% stats activated, his body also arrived at the same time when the tomahawk missed its target.

Orochi also knew that tomahawk could never damage the middle age guy, he just used it as means of distraction.

But he was still surprised to see that the middle guy was able to dodge the tomahawk. But Orochi was also not short of ability, and as soon as he got into the range, he made his next move.

And when he used his full strength to kick the back of the middle aged guy, which was coupled with his momentum, the force of impact reached an amazing degree in power.

Hence, just one move was enough to make the middle aged guy incapable of fighting anymore.