Charm Stat Ability

245- Charm Stat Ability

Like a group of wolves, all the 13 people charged at Orochi.

Meanwhile, Orochi calmly stood at the same place with the ‘Red Lancer sword’ in his hand.

He stood there as if he was not the target, instead, as if he was just a bystander.

Finally, when the group of people got into Orochi’s 3 meters range, he moved.

First, he activated the ability of the ‘Red Lancer Sword’- Quick Sword Slash.

With that, his speed doubled for a second.

After he activated the ability, his figure blurred like a faulty hologram, and instantly he appeared in front of the person with the highest cultivation in the group.

Without wasting any time, Orochi slashed his sword into the abdomen area of that person.


Blood splashed, and the person became the first victim in this group.

After slashing, Orochi did not stop and moved to the next person closer to the first victim.
