Ambush 1

253- Ambush 1

After closing the status window, Orochi felt all the changes that took place in his body after his stats increased and got back to practicing the ‘Mountain Cleaving- 3 Machete chops’. As he wanted to test how much has his comprehending speed increased.




And just after 2 minutes, the system notification rang once again,


‘Proficiency of [Mountain Cleaving- 3 machete chops] has increased.’

‘Current Proficiency- 4% [Entry stage].’


Seeing this, Orochi was happy as his test succeeded.

Because just from this it can be understood that he will now be able to learn and comprehend fighting techniques at a faster rate.

And just to prove his conjecture as he continued practicing, once again, the system notification rang after 5 minutes,


‘Proficiency of [Mountain Cleaving- 3 machete chops] has increased.’

‘Current Proficiency- 5% [Entry stage].’
