Specialties of Gold

296- Specialties of Gold

Author’s announcement:

Hey readers, I know there has been a problem from my side and I have been making irregular updates. I would like to apologize for that.

Since, I have taken up doing something that I am interested in as a career path, like writing; that has led to the situation where I am completely staying at home and not finding any jobs or unable to find one.

This has put me in a tight position. Pressure from the family and relatives is very stressful when you have already graduated and still not landed a job.

Hence, I have been trying to upgrade my skill set and take some time for my career. Hence, I could barely find time to focus on writing new chapters.

Of course, I am not giving up this novel or giving up writing, because I found myself enjoying this and this has become something that can put off some stress. But surely, life cannot go just like how one wants to.