Future Planning

307- Future Planning

After waking up, Orochi saw that there are still 10 hours left for the System to get back online, a sense of curiosity and eagerness was born in his heart.

He is really looking forward to what new changes will appear in the system after it gets backs online.

Shaking his head and keeping these thoughts aside, Orochi woke up Armelia.

Then the couple had a good breakfast with June.

After breakfast, he made an announcement to the two women,

“Today, we will set off and go back to the Border City.”

Hearing this, both women expressed their agreement.

Honestly, they had already gotten bored after spending a month in this valley, and if not for Orochi’s breakthrough, the group would not even come to such a place.

And in the first place, the reason why Armelia accompanied Orochi out of the Dark Forest is to stay with him for a period of time and also to explore the specialties and rich culture of the Human race.

And June came along to protect them.