Strong Backhand

317- Strong Backhand


'Host has killed a Human Stage Level 1 cultivator.’

‘+0.910 Exp’


Finally, Orochi’s Exp crossed 2 units and was very close to 3 units.

Then Orochi threw a huge flame ball made of Spiritual Qi inside the cave and burnt the bodies.

Then he turned to the two women and said,

“Let’s go, we are done here. And also release those prisoners that were captured by the bandit group.”

With that, the group moved and released the few prisoners and told them to go back to their old lives. And before they left, Orochi gave them a few gold and silver coins, so that they can use the money during their journey.

The prisoner thanked Orochi’s group and together they made their way out of the valley.

Some of the prisoners have been held captives by the bandit group for a quite long time, so they have suffered quite a mental trauma. So, they require quite some time to recover and go back to normal.