
322- Surrounded

“8 Human stage cultivators have surrounded us.”

June’s voice rang in the ears of Armelia and Orochi.

Orochi immediately stood up and observed the surroundings.

Except for the sound of blowing wind and some insects, Orochi did not feel anything. And due to the fact that there were lots of trees in their area, Orochi could not spot anyone.

“Don’t look for them. They are a few kilometers away from us, you won’t be able to locate them.”

“Although, they are away from us, but they have completely surrounded us and have cut off any escape route and are keeping an eye on us.”

June said while pointing her finger towards the sky.

Orochi and Armelia saw a pair of eagles flying in the sky and hovering on top of their heads.

“It looks like they are waiting for reinforcements.”

Orochi whispered.

Hearing his words, June nodded.

Armelia asked from the side,

“What reinforcements? Are they going to bring an army or what?”