Orochi's ways

333- Orochi's ways

In the earlier confrontation, the scar-faced middle-aged man was eager to fight Orochi but seeing Orochi’s strength, he backed away and attacked from a long distance, hence he was still able to survive.

Orochi remembered that the scar-faced middle-aged had shouted that he was from the Willow sword sect.

And there were the two old men, one of whom held a cane while the other had a long beard and a bald head. And it was this long-bearded old man, who attacked Orochi at the very moment when Jaraal’s group surrounded Orochi’s group.

The long bearded old man, who was previously full of energy like a young warrior had now shrunken like a tortoise.

As for the old man with a cane, who was supposedly the brother of the long bearded old man, he looked very weak as if his legs would give off after walking for 1 or 2 minutes.

But that was not the case, because he is someone who is in the Transformation realm.