Killing the Level 3 Transmutation stage guard with a spear

335- Killing the Level 3 Transmutation stage guard with a spear

The transmutation stage guard could not believe that Orochi killed Jaraal, Uncle Khaan, and the other Transmutation stage guard.

Although most of the people present had almost believed that Orochi did kill Jaraal and his guards, but when the Transmutation stage guard mentioned Orochi’s cultivation, they couldn’t help but start to doubt Orochi’s words.

How can a Human stage cultivator kill those in the Actualization stage and Transmutation stage cultivators?

Not to mention, no one would even believe it if someone told them that a Human stage cultivator can kill a Super Human stage cultivator.

Hence, everyone started to believe in the words of the Transmutation stage guard and even started to believe that Orochi was bluffing and he had a certain purpose for trying to waste words on them.