All cleared

435- All cleared

Many thoughts flashed in Orochi’s mind, but the five bronze wheels did not stop with their hunt.

Under Orochi’s control, more than a dozen strong cultivators of the Zetri clan were cut into two.

Some lucky ones died immediately, while the unlucky ones had to endure great pain and slowly experience their bodies turning cold.

Luckily, there were no more ‘surprises’.

Either the cultivators couldn’t afford to buy or own a secret trump card, or they didn’t have the time to use it.

The Bronze wheels did their work very quickly, dozens of bodies were lying surrounding the ‘Earth Dome’.

The ground was dyed red with blood.

Some of the cultivators who stood at the end; found things were wrong, so they retreated without any hesitation.

And while the bronze wheels harvested the lives of those nearby, the retreating cultivators got themselves a small period of time to get away from the battle.